"DESCRIPTION 1"="Windows NT, 2000 and XP provide a feature at the command prompt (cmd.exe) known as AutoComplete."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="If this feature is activated, you can type a char, then the special key selected here and Windows will try to automatically complete the command for you with the files in the current directory."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="For example, if you are in the folder "C:\WINNT" and type "dir WIN", then press the AutoComplete key, Windows will try to AutoComplete the command with the files that are inside the C:\WINNT folder. E.g. it will write "dir WIN.INI" on the first try and if you hit the key again, continue with "dir WIN.EXE" and so on."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="This can be used with directories as well; it isn't limited to files."
"DESCRIPTION 5"="It's similar to the AutoComplete function of Internet Explorer."
"DESCRIPTION 6"="IMPORTANT: Windows NT does only support one AutoComplete Key for both File AutoComplete AND Directory AutoComplete. Windows 2000 and XP on the other hand can be configured to use different keys for either File or Directory AutoComplete."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"